Newegg - The Green e-Tailer

Newegg's rolling conveyer system has built in box recycling support:

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The tray suspended above the rolling conveyer (pictured above) is where the workers place empty boxes. Workers on the floor above simply toss their boxes through the holes in the floor:

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The boxes are then sent down this chute where they are collected for recycling:

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As you can guess, Newegg goes through a lot of cardboard during their day to day. They go through so much that they've got their own compactor outside that compresses all of the recyclable cardboard together and prepares it for pickup.

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But back to your order; the tub moves along until it is complete, once complete it drops down to the express line and goes directly to the end of the assembly line.

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The elevator down to the express lane is behind the tinted glass seen above. The express lane itself is seen below:

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If you pay the $2.99 for express shipping then the system automatically allocates you a blue tub and wherever possible your tub gets priority:

Click to Enlarge

The Picker (continued) The Secure Area and Free CPUs
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  • gofor55 - Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - link

    First post!
  • dman122 - Wednesday, April 21, 2010 - link

    i cant order anything from newegg. because they like to take two weeks before they get ahold of me and by that time. im super pissed and i cancel the order. go to wal mart use my credit card there. wal mart takes it that day no problem and i get my stuff that day. just not a super computer like i wanted and ordered twice. and both times they did that crap to me. just wondering what you have to do for them to stop being a holes? to have them send out your stuff that you order. any help would be appreiciated thanks.

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