It's a desktop monitor. I don't get why it matters that it's 5.5mm at its thinnest point and 3cm at its thickets when it's not going anywhere once it gets setup. It's still stuck to a big chunky base and people will look at the front of it to see stuff on the display rather than turning it sideways to see the edge and be awestruck at how it goes from a 3cm "Meh." to a 5.5mm "Oooh!"
My lg oled 55 inch is a few millimeters in most areas other than the lower center core. It's cute, but it feels like the thing will break if i touch it.
Sorry I haven't been following monitor market. I thought its design was pretty cool. And its price for IPS sounds reasonable to me ( Unless it is a E-IPS )
These monitors use a superior Corning light guide plate, and are incredibly well made and beautiful in person. Easily worth the $250 and $400 I paid for both sizes of them.
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JoeyJoJo123 - Tuesday, January 9, 2018 - link
>No VESA mount>On what would be an ideal monitor to use for multimonitor thin bezel setups
Ya dun goofed Dell.
minimalz - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 - link
Learned my lesson. Will never buy a monitor without a VESA mount ever again. Next!PeachNCream - Tuesday, January 9, 2018 - link
It's a desktop monitor. I don't get why it matters that it's 5.5mm at its thinnest point and 3cm at its thickets when it's not going anywhere once it gets setup. It's still stuck to a big chunky base and people will look at the front of it to see stuff on the display rather than turning it sideways to see the edge and be awestruck at how it goes from a 3cm "Meh." to a 5.5mm "Oooh!"nerd1 - Tuesday, January 9, 2018 - link
Because apple boasts the 5mm "thinnest point" of their iMac.Pinn - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 - link
My lg oled 55 inch is a few millimeters in most areas other than the lower center core. It's cute, but it feels like the thing will break if i touch it.Magichands8 - Tuesday, January 9, 2018 - link
Absolutely no interest in these unless they hit at least 120hz. I don't think monitor manufacturers have figured it out yet.hanselltc - Tuesday, January 16, 2018 - link
Human eyes can't see over 24 fps bluhI think you should look at Asus.
gfkBill - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 - link
"...nearly borderless design, with the critical components housed within the monitor itself."What, instead of in the next room?
jvl - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 - link
300 USD for FHD in 2018?Wow.
iwod - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 - link
Is this consider expensive?Sorry I haven't been following monitor market. I thought its design was pretty cool. And its price for IPS sounds reasonable to me ( Unless it is a E-IPS )
DanNeely - Wednesday, January 10, 2018 - link
basic 24" 1080p monitors start at $140 on Newegg, 27" 1440p at $320. You're paying a fairly hefty premium for the HDR checkbox with these.timecop1818 - Thursday, January 11, 2018 - link
What a joke. Got excited seeing article headline.Then I see 1080p and no vesa mount. What the fuck?
I'd pay $500 for S2419HM if it was 4K and VESA. But fuck 1080p.
Still looking for a replacement for UP2414Q with its bullshit split-screen DisplayPort 1.2 and wakeup/resume failure of firmware.
Alistair - Sunday, May 27, 2018 - link
These monitors use a superior Corning light guide plate, and are incredibly well made and beautiful in person. Easily worth the $250 and $400 I paid for both sizes of them.