This weekend, my mom (the true talent in the family) helped to get the screen fabric on the frame we built months earlier. The fabric was actually one of the first things I ordered last year; I snagged 154" x 65" of Da-Lite's Cinema Vision material from AV-Outlet, back then I expected the screen to be 144" wide and I ordered an extra 10" to make sure I had enough room to play with. The 132" screen I ended up with left me with more than enough screen material, which was nice since it allowed us to screw up the installation a bit without sacrificing the entire roll of material. The fabric cost less than $500.

Actually mounting the fabric to the curved frame was an absolute pain, but thanks to my mom and Lyle (a friend celebrating his 26th birthday today), we managed to get it done and the end result is absolutely beautiful.


With the screen done, we mounted the CineSlide and ISCO III and after some regularly scheduled Saturday evening festivities, Manny and I stayed up until 4AM and got the damn thing working. We've only got three speakers hooked up and there's a lot of tweaking that needs to be done, but we're making real progress:

I'm exhausted and going to bed, more progress in the next couple of weeks.

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  • thetimeis - Tuesday, May 13, 2008 - link

    You were up until 4 am setting this up? Hmm...">
  • MGSsancho - Tuesday, May 13, 2008 - link

    from the pics it looks like"> to me. but you used more di-pole speakers. good idea. spreads out he sound more so everyone hears everything balanced.
  • Baked - Monday, May 12, 2008 - link

    How many rooms do you have in your mansion?
  • NoOther - Monday, May 12, 2008 - link

    I am glad you are writing about your theatre experience. I started off a trend with my friends switching from TVs and monitors to 120" screens and HD Projectors. It is amazing how well projectors perform these days and the screen sizes achievable vs the standard HDTVs. We use our 60" HDTV for daily television and shows, but break out the projector for movie night and some games. My next upgrade to my theatre will be a proper set of surround sound speakers and receiver. Alas my current dream speakers are a bit out of my price range (B&W 800 series). I have suggested simple manual screens, they have worked well for us, rather than try to build a screen. But it is good to see some real work going into some detail and should be a nice finished product.
  • IceBreakerG - Sunday, May 11, 2008 - link

    Once again I'm envious lol. Great work. Seems to be coming together nicely. I know it's a pita now, but it'll all be worth it when you're done.
  • Kensei - Sunday, May 11, 2008 - link

    You had your mom helping you with your home theater on Mother's Day weekend?
  • Pahuus - Sunday, May 11, 2008 - link

    Only a true nerd does.
  • Noya - Monday, May 12, 2008 - link

  • Screammit - Sunday, May 11, 2008 - link

    but I won't be truly impressed until you pop in 300 and the speakers actually impale you with sound wave spears
  • bonzichrille - Sunday, May 11, 2008 - link

    If the screen is curved, wont the picture get distorted to the far right and left?

    Anyway, great setup!

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